Family Meetings - a Rewarding Routine

“Family means no one gets left behind or forgotten”

— David Ogden Stiers

The first quarter has gone by! Unbelievable. Can we take a moment to pause amidst the whirlwind of life?

As the days rush by, it's easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life – school, work, chores, repeat. But in the midst of it all lies something truly special: the opportunity to connect, laugh, and make memories with the people who matter most to us.

So, how's it going with your family? Have you stopped and appreciate your family and the bond that you have? Are you still finding moments to connect and have fun together? If not, don't sweat it – we're all in this together.

Today, I want to talk to you about something near and dear to my heart: the importance of making time for family meetings (FYI, you don’t have to call it family meetings). From the simple joys of shared laughter to the profound impact of deepening our connections, spending quality time with our loved ones is the cornerstone of a happy and fulfilling life. But this time, it's more than simple joys because it's all about being intentional and teaching and practicing valuable life skills.

Here’s a quick story about a young woman who used to hang out at her best friend Jenny’s house a lot, and, every once in a while, Jenny’s mom would tell her that it was time for their family meeting and that she was going to need to leave. As her two feet carried her home, she thought about how their family ritual seemed strange. Her parents didn’t do this sort of thing in their home, so why would her friend’s family need to have meetings when they didn’t?

As she aged, she began to appreciate the fact that Jenny’s family set aside sacred time for themselves and themselves alone. Jenny's Mom wasn’t worried about catering to her or anyone else that she had to send away to protect their family time. They had an intentional system to connect, and she carried that idea forward into her family today.

So why is it important to take time out for Family Meetings?

  1. Strengthen the family bond

    Family meetings provide dedicated time for family members to come together, share experiences, and connect on a deeper level. By engaging in gratitude for one another, problem-solving, meaningful discussions and activities together, families build stronger bonds and create cherished memories that strengthen their relationships over time.

  2. Establish the significance and belonging of each family member

    Every member has a chance to speak and be heard, reinforcing their value and importance within the family. This validation of each individual's contribution fosters a sense of belonging and significance, promoting a supportive and inclusive family environment where everyone feels valued and respected.

  3. Practice and develop valuable life skills

    Teaches children essential life skills such as effective communication, active listening, problem-solving, and negotiation. These skills are invaluable for navigating relationships, handling conflicts, and succeeding in all aspects of life. By practicing these skills in a safe and supportive setting, children develop the confidence and resilience that prepares them for future challenges.

For many of us, the idea of holding family meetings may seem foreign or unfamiliar. Perhaps it's something we've heard about but never really considered implementing in our own homes. Here are some tips to help you get started with family meetings and reap the rewards they can offer:


1. Set a Regular Schedule:

Choose a consistent time and place for family meetings, such as weekly or fortnightly gatherings after dinner or after Sunday breakfast. Ensure that everyone can attend and establish a time limit to keep discussions focused and manageable (we recommend 15-30 minutes).

2. Positive Start:

Begin each meeting by sharing compliments or appreciations to set a positive tone (remember: “Connection before Correction”). Emphasize the importance of acknowledging each other's strengths and contributions, fostering a supportive atmosphere for open communication.

3. Encourage Equal Participation:

Create a safe space where everyone feels heard and respected. Use a talking item and allow each family member to voice their opinions without fear of criticism, reflecting the value of respect within the family dynamic.

4. Take it Seriously:

Experiment with a structured approach to family meetings, including agendas, rotating leaders (including children), and documenting agreements. This formalized process can promote accountability and ensure that important topics are addressed effectively.

5. Focus on Solutions:

Encourage brainstorming and consensus-building when addressing challenges or making decisions. Involve children and teenagers in generating creative solutions and emphasize the importance of trying out agreed-upon options before evaluating their effectiveness at subsequent meetings.

6. End with a Fun Game or Special Treat:

This gives everyone something to look forward to, and you could always take turns choosing the game or making the treats :)

For more tips download our family meeting album, and remember; this is yet another opportunity to connect and have some fun together! So, what are you waiting for? Go ahead and schedule your first family meeting today!


Give Your Brain a Break!


Embracing Eid: Celebrating Family, Community, and Tradition