Gift Yourself Some Grace


“If your compassion does not include yourself, it is incomplete.”

— Jack Kornfield

The holiday season is often seen as a time of joy, but it can also bring with it a whirlwind of emotions and demands.

From shopping for the perfect gifts to attending endless gatherings and trying to juggle work, family, and everything in between, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. And in the midst of this chaos, there’s one thing we often forget to prioritize: ourselves.

If you’ve been following us, we’ve been talking about giving during the holidays—simple giving, giving that cost nothing, giving importance of generosity and more. It’s indeed the season of generosity, and we want to pour our hearts into making others feel special. But in doing so, we sometimes forget that we, too, deserve some of that generosity.

We need to remember that giving to others starts with giving to ourselves.

If we don’t take the time to care for our own physical, emotional, and mental well-being, we won’t be able to give our best to the people who matter most.

Self-care during the holidays isn’t about pampering yourself (though that’s always nice). It’s more than that. Let’s shift the focus from external giving to internal giving—giving ourselves the grace to slow down, breathe, and truly experience the joy and peace that the holidays are meant to bring. It’s not about doing it all, but about being kind to ourselves in the process.

Here are a few tips on how to incorporate self-care into this busy season, so you can feel your best and give your best to the world around you.

6 (Quick) Q-Tips To Gift Yourself Some Deserved Break

1. Schedule Rest Like It’s an Appointment

If your calendar is bursting with events, block out time for you. Whether it’s 20 minutes of quiet with a cup of tea or a full evening to binge your favorite series, treat rest like the essential task it is. And no, you don’t need to feel guilty about it. Remember: rest isn’t wasted time—it’s recharging time.

2. Practice Mindfulness in Everyday Moments

You don’t need a meditation retreat to practice mindfulness. It’s as simple as being fully present in the moment. When you’re decorating the tree, savor the experience. When you’re sipping hot cocoa, take a deep breath and enjoy it. Even mundane tasks, like wrapping gifts, can become a mindful ritual if you let them.

3. Set Boundaries Without Guilt

Ah, boundaries—the ultimate form of self-care. Say no to the things that drain you, even if they’re holiday traditions. It’s okay to skip that extra cookie swap or politely decline a party if it feels like too much. You can still be generous and kind while protecting your energy.

4. Give Yourself Permission to Be Imperfect

The perfect holiday is a myth. Let go of the pressure to make everything Instagram-worthy. If the turkey is a little dry or the gifts aren’t wrapped in designer paper, guess what? No one will remember. What they will remember is how you made them feel. Focus on presence over perfection.

5. Engage in Activities That Refill Your Tank

What brings you joy? Whether it’s a walk in the crisp winter air, journaling by candlelight, or singing along (off-key) to your favorite holiday tunes, prioritize the things that make you feel alive.

6. Delegate and Ask for Help

You don’t have to do it all. Share the workload. Let your partner handle the shopping list or ask your kids to pitch in with chores. Accepting help isn’t a weakness—it’s a superpower.

As we embrace the beauty and busyness of the holiday season, let’s remember that the most meaningful gift we can give ourselves is grace. Grace to rest when we’re weary. Grace to say “no” when we need to protect our peace. Grace to let go of perfection and embrace the moments that truly matter. When we nourish ourselves with kindness, patience, and understanding, we fill our cups to overflow, allowing us to give more freely and joyfully to those around us.

So before this year ends, take a deep breath, let go of the pressure to be perfect, and let’s redefine what it means to give and make self-care an essential part of the holiday checklist.

Wishing you a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

P.S. I’ve also created a freebie with fun activities that you can do with your kids this holidays. Get your freebie here….


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