An Active, Screen-Balanced Summer for Healthier, Happier Kids

“Balance is not better time management, but better boundary management. Balance means making choices and enjoying those choices.”

— Betsy Jacobson

Summer is the absolute BEST time to get kids moving and grooving! It's the perfect opportunity to do fun activities and make the most of those sunny, carefree days.

But let's be real, balancing screen time can be a total struggle. I know the temptation to let the kiddos binge-watch their favorite shows or get lost in their tablets for hours on end can be strong, but trust me, it's not doing them any favors in the long run.

As we gear up for the summer fun, it's crucial to find ways to keep those energetic kids active and engaged without letting digital devices steal the show. With screens and gadgets vying for their attention at every turn, it's all too easy for kids to become couch potatoes.

One thing that's worked wonders for my family is setting clear, consistent screen time limits. Maybe it's an hour a day, or perhaps a few hours on the weekends. Whatever approach you decide on, the key is to stick to it and be consistent. This will help your little ones learn to balance their screen time with other important activities, like playing outside, reading, or spending quality time with the family.

I'll let you in on a little secret - when I first started setting screen time limits for my own kid, Chloe it was a bit of a battle. But you know what? Once they got used to the routine, they actually started to appreciate the structure and the chance to explore other hobbies and interests. And let me tell you, the look on their faces when they get to have a special "screen time" treat is priceless!

Don't be afraid to take the reins and set those boundaries. Your kids will thank you in the long run, and you'll be setting them up for a healthier, more balanced lifestyle.

Here are five Positive Discipline tools to help manage your family’s screen time and encourage physical activity this summer:

1. Have a Family Meeting: Involve the whole family in creating a plan to reduce screen time. Use family meetings to:

  • Encourage children to share their ideas and solutions.

  • Focus on creating solutions rather than imposing punishments.

  • Teach the "Three Rs and an H": Solutions should be Related to the problem, Respectfully imposed, Reasonable, and Helpful.

2. Establish New Routines: Create new, screen-free routines to promote healthier habits:

  • Designate screen-free times each day (e.g., during meals, mornings, and before bedtime).

  • Create screen-free spaces in the home, such as keeping screens out of bedrooms.

  • Develop a tech-free morning ritual to reduce stress and improve family connections.

3. Lead by Example: Model the behavior you want to see in your children:

  • Reduce your own screen time and talk about the challenges with your kids.

  • Show that you can prioritize family time over screen time.

  • Demonstrate self-control by putting away devices during family interactions.

4. Stay Close with Special Time: Maintain a strong emotional connection with your children:

  • Spend regular one-on-one time with each child to strengthen your relationship.

  • Understand and validate their feelings, making them more receptive to screen time limits.

  • Prioritize emotional connection, belonging, and significance over screen time.

5. Teach Self-Regulation Early: Help your children develop self-regulation skills:

  • Avoid using technology as a soothing tool; instead, teach traditional self-soothing methods.

  • Establish boundaries and routines from a young age to promote resilience.

  • Encourage activities that do not rely on screens to help children manage their emotions and behavior.

Now, the fun part! How can we get our kiddos moving and grooving this summer?

I've got a few ideas that are sure to get them up and active. Here’s a freebie of list of activities that don’t involve screen time. These not only get their bodies moving but also allow them to use their imagination and social skills. Plus, you can join in on the fun too! Trust me, you'll be surprised at how quickly the time flies when you're all laughing and playing together.

The way I see it, finding that sweet spot between tech time and good old-fashioned playtime is all about balance. Sure, our kiddos love their tablets and phones, but we all know that too much screen time can be a real bummer for their physical and mental well-being.

That's why I've made it a point to set some clear screen time rules in our household. Now, I'm not talking about locking away all the devices and going full tech-free. That would be a recipe for disaster in my house! Instead, I've found that setting reasonable time limits, encouraging outdoor activities, and making sure screen time doesn't interfere with essential things like homework and family meals has been a game-changer.

It's all about finding what works best for your family and sticking to it with consistency.

And you know what? It's not just about the kids – we grownups need to be mindful of our own screen habits too.

I'll admit, I've caught myself mindlessly scrolling more times than I'd like to admit. That's why I try to model healthy tech behaviors and find ways to unplug as a family, whether it's going for a nature walk or having a good old-fashioned board game night. It's a great way to bond and recharge, and the kids always have a blast.

At the end of the day, finding that balance between technology and physical activity is an ongoing process, but I truly believe it's worth the effort.

So let's keep supporting each other, sharing our best tips and tricks, and showing our little ones that there's a whole world out there beyond the screens. Who knows, we might even rediscover our own inner child in the process!

Remember, the key is to find a balance that works for your family. It's all about creating a healthy, active lifestyle that your kids will actually enjoy. So, let's get out there and make this the best (and most active) summer yet!

P.S. and if you’re looking for a good summer read on the topic check out Jonathan Haidt’s new book The Anxious Generation. Bringing insights on the impact of technology on the social emotional development of children. Or have a listen here.


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