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For Educators Joy Marchese For Educators Joy Marchese

Release Your Grip on CONTROL!

You see, as humans, we all yearn to feel capable, to know that we have the ability to acquire skills and achieve our goals. I've come to realize that there's a subtle dance between helping students and fostering their independence. It's a delicate balance, but one that's crucial for their growth, confidence, and overall development.

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For Educators Joy Marchese For Educators Joy Marchese

Curiosity Questions to Develop Growth Mindset

The human brain is naturally wired for curiosity. When we encounter something intriguing or uncertain, our brains light up with excitement. We become eager learners, seeking answers, and embracing challenges.

Now, imagine harnessing this innate curiosity in our classrooms. By using curiosity questions strategically, we can trigger that same sense of wonder and drive in our students.

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