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Must– read blogs
The Impact of Your First ‘Hello’
Before we can guide our students or address behavioral issues, we must first connect with them on a personal level. Greeting students warmly as they enter the classroom is a simple yet powerful way to establish that connection. It sets the tone for the day, creating an environment where students feel safe, supported, and ready to learn.
Give Your Brain a Break!
Our brains, like any muscle, get fatigued. Sitting still and focusing for extended periods depletes energy reserves.
The Power of Words: Giving and Receiving Compliments
We've all been there—the awkward silence after someone praises us, not knowing whether to smile, shrug it off, or just say a simple "thanks." It's like standing at a crossroads with no signposts. I want to take you on a journey into the often underestimated world of compliments.