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Must– read blogs
Mistakes as Wonderful Opportunities to Learn. Really?
Remember those times back to your school days when you stumbled, faltered, and made mistakes? Now, consider the messages that surrounded those moments. Were they ones of disappointment, inadequacy, or perhaps even a tinge of shame? What if, instead of criticism, we were met with encouragement and engagement in the process of fixing and learning from our mistakes?
Release Your Grip on CONTROL!
You see, as humans, we all yearn to feel capable, to know that we have the ability to acquire skills and achieve our goals. I've come to realize that there's a subtle dance between helping students and fostering their independence. It's a delicate balance, but one that's crucial for their growth, confidence, and overall development.
Connection before Correction
Research suggests that recognising, labelling, and discussing emotions with children lays the foundation for their social emotional development, self-regulation, and success later in life.